Archive for May, 2003


Friday, May 30th, 2003

Check out this movie being made by homeschooling teens – the trailer is impressive! (and I’m not just saying that cuz some of my kids are going to be in it.)

Cow-Milking Robots

Friday, May 30th, 2003

(via Fark)

A new milking method is being tried in England –
a robot that milks cows

(I definitely need a new category just for farm animals!)

Water flows uphill

Friday, May 30th, 2003

At least that’s the illusion James Dyson creates in his entry ‘Wrong Garden’ for the Chelsea (England) Flower Show

The kilogram can do it, why not me???

Friday, May 30th, 2003

(via Metafilter)

The kilogram is losing weight! (NYT link requries registration)

At least, the refence kilogram, defined by a platinum-iridium cylinder, has lost 50 micrograms, so scientists are looking for a new way of defining the kilogram, perhaps as a certain number of molecules of an element. They’re probably afraid they’ll look fat next to a slimmer, trimmer kilogram at parties.

Happy Birthday, Bob

Thursday, May 29th, 2003

Happy 100th Birthday to Bob Hope

This guy is amazing – his career covered vaudeville, radio, Broadway, movies, and TV, not to mention entertaining troops from World War II to Desert Storm. A cool guy.

Go Juve!

Thursday, May 29th, 2003

UPDATE: Juventus U18 beat Cape Cod 3-0! Next up: v. Lusitano, June 6

Ben’s Juventus U18 team squeaked into first place last week, tying Inter 2-2 and Fuller Hamlets 3-3 to end the season < a href="">undefeated (3 wins, 2 ties). Their last season game was also their first round-robin game for the State Cups. Their next game is this afternoon, vs Cape Cod. They need to win this one, and next week’s vs Lusitano in order to make it into the semifinals at UMass.

Damon’s Junventus U15 team finished the season in first, with an amazing 7-0 record. Their round-robin games start this weekend at UMass.

Teeny Weeny Galaxies

Wednesday, May 28th, 2003

(via New Scientist)

Maybe not as small as the one in Men In Black, but these galaxies are pretty darn small!


Wednesday, May 28th, 2003

(via Dave Barry’s blog)

A Calculator for the Pax Americanus.

Dr Who Flash webcast

Thursday, May 22nd, 2003

The BBC has recreated a Dr Who story – Shada – on the web as a Flash animation. This story was written by Douglas Adams of Hitchhiker’s Guide fame, but filming was never finished, so it never made it on the air. Episodes are being added weekly.

Weird Al’s back

Thursday, May 22nd, 2003

(what about his back?)

Four years after his last album, Running With Scissors, Weird Al Yankovic is back with Poodle Hat

I don’t usually indulge in commecial plugs, but I really liked his last album, (especially It’s All About The Pentiums, and Horoscope) so what the heck! (By the way, I will accept bribes!)

Einstein online

Monday, May 19th, 2003

(via IP) came online today, a joint project of the Hebrew University of Jerusalem, and CalTech.

Digitized images of over 900 documents written by Einstein; his scientific and non-scientific writings, diaries, and correspondence, and a database of documents by and about Einstein.

Well, can you believe that!

Monday, May 19th, 2003

(via IP)

A new study concludes that politicians lie!

The reason: People ask them questions.

Ben’s Prom

Monday, May 19th, 2003

Ben’s senior prom was this weekend…actually, it was Halley’s junior prom, but Ben had just finished getting all his paperwork in to Clonlara so he’s done high school! Woo-hoo!

A few pictures of him heading out. More once we get some of him and Halley.

Juve U15 vs Inter

Monday, May 19th, 2003

A couple of pictures from Damon’s Juventus team vs Inter last week.

Debate: Bush v. Bush

Friday, May 2nd, 2003

(via Puzzlepieces)

From Comedy Centrals’ The Daily Show, it’s Bush v. Bush

Why do air traffic controllers get paid so much?

Friday, May 2nd, 2003

(via ST)

This is why!

(Actually, I have no idea if air traffic controllers are paid a lot. They sure deserve to be; and after seeing this, you couldn’t pay me enough!)

Power series to the people!

Friday, May 2nd, 2003

(via MetaFilter) is a (well, I’ll let them say it) “free, collaborative, online mathematics encyclopedia. The stress is on peer review, rigour, openness, pedagogy, real-time content, interlinked content, and community-drivenness.”

Great reference site.

But don’t forget about Mathword, hosted by Wolfram Research, the Mathematica folks.

If you don’t find it on one of these sites, it ain’t math!

At last! A country song I like!

Thursday, May 1st, 2003

Somebody’s been playing too much Everquest:

Has Anybody Here Seen My Corpse?

If you give a site a penny…

Thursday, May 1st, 2003

This site has been around for a while, it’s a great look at how pennies add up.

Don’t miss the bonus section!

Flash Flash Revolution

Thursday, May 1st, 2003

(via /usr/bin/girl)

Flash Flash Revolution

For when ya gotta dance, but just don’t want to get off your big fat…easy chair.