Archive for December, 2006

Gabe, Make Me One Of These Tables For Christmas!

Wednesday, December 13th, 2006

(via boingboing)

I love this table – it expands from seating 6 to seating 12 when you twist it.

Sadly, it’s probably a little out of my price range. From the site: “Please understand that this is an extremely special piece of furniture, of exceptional quality and design – it is not for everyone by a very very long way and can only be afforded by the lucky few of us with exceptional wealth.”

Gotta Love Physics Humor

Monday, December 11th, 2006

Quantum Jump

Eels And Groupers In The Sea

Monday, December 11th, 2006

hunt together in perfect harmony

side by side in the coral reefs, so
oh, Lord, why don’t we?

Eels and groupers in the Red Sea apparently cooperate to hunt other fish.

According to New Scientist, this is the first discovered instance of two species cooperating to hunt that doesn’t involve humans as one of the species.

Daily Readings On Your MP3 Player – Verbum Domini and USCCB

Tuesday, December 5th, 2006

First, there’s Brian Noe’s

Verbum Domini

with readings from the public domain Douay-Rheims translation; for copyright reasons he cannot use the New American Bible.

The US Conference of Catholic Bishops CAN use the NAB, and they just started podcasting the Daily Readings as well!

YouTube – man on ice

Tuesday, December 5th, 2006

Funny commercial
YouTube – man on ice

High-Tech, Ancient Greek Style

Tuesday, December 5th, 2006

Astronomy Picture of the Day

shows the Antikythera mechanism, a geared device from around 150-100 BC which could predict star and planet locations, and solar and lunar eclipses.